Posts tagged eczema
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

Eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is very common and worsens in dry climates, in the winter, and when sick. All the extra hand washing and hand sanitizing with COVID have not helped. Moisturizers are an essential tool for preventing and minimizing skin flares. Other tricks help as well.

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Stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis (a.k.a., venous eczema) is very common in older adults. It is dry, itchy skin on the shins, ankles, and tops of the feet. Our leg veins get tired, lose their strength, and get leaky. Leg swelling stretches and makes gaps in the skin causing eczema. Treatment includes compression, leg elevation, moisturizing, and topical medications.

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Ringworm is a rash caused by fungus. It can be itchy. Ringworm usually comes from two sources: 1) another person with ringworm (usually athletes like wrestlers), or 2) an animal with ringworm (usually a pet). Ringworm starts as a single, ring-shaped spot that tends to grow bigger over time. A combination of over-the-counter treatment options usually works.

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