Everyone Should Know

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To make actionable medical knowledge available to all.

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I am an academic dermatologist in Utah, currently on a working sabbatical at Christchurch Hospital in New Zealand. I treat all types of skin conditions in adults and kids. I also research patient-centered care to improve patients’ lives. I focus on understanding what matters most to my patients and how my patients' skin issues affect their quality of life.

I am frustrated that patients have to pay more out-of-pocket for their care and treatments. I spend time trying to find the most cost-effective care for my patients, even if the best is over-the-counter.

I completed medical school at the University of Pittsburgh, then worked as a pediatric intern at Cincinnati Children’s before my dermatology residency training at the University of Utah.

If you live in Utah, Wyoming, or Nevada, I can see you virtually through Honeydew.

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Cyan Secrest

I am a student, artist, graphic designer, and Photoshop/Canva aficionado. I serve as Creative Director for Medical Secrets. I help with website layout and design and provide a youthful eye to the site and social media efforts. I love animals and creating. I frequently do watercolor commissions for friends and family (let me know if you have a commission) - you can check out my art on Artrepreneur.