Posts in Fungal infection

Ringworm is a rash caused by fungus. It can be itchy. Ringworm usually comes from two sources: 1) another person with ringworm (usually athletes like wrestlers), or 2) an animal with ringworm (usually a pet). Ringworm starts as a single, ring-shaped spot that tends to grow bigger over time. A combination of over-the-counter treatment options usually works.

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Nail Fungus (onychomycosis)

Nail fungus is where fungus grows into the toenails, and occasionally, the fingernails. The nail(s) will get thick and yellow, and sometimes the nail splits at the far end. It usually happens in people with athlete’s foot (damp, peeling skin between the toes, and dry skin on the bottom and sides of the feet).

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Athlete's foot

Athlete’s foot is a rash caused by fungus. It is usually itchy. There’s damp, peeling skin between the toes, sometimes dry patches on the bottom and sides of the feet. Splits between the toes are called fissures and are very painful. A combination of over-the-counter treatment options usually works.

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