Acanthosis nigricans


WHAT IS acanthosis nigricans?

Acanthosis nigricans is thick, dark, velvety skin usually in the armpits, on the neck, in the groin area, and under the breasts. Because it is darker, thicker skin, it is often noticeable and either annoying or embarrassing to those who have it. It doesn’t itch or hurt.

WHY DO I have acanthosis nigricans?

Acanthosis nigricans is more common in darker skin types, making the skin look darker, thicker, and velvety. It is most commonly related to diabetes and obesity. Both of these are related to insulin resistance. Acanthosis nigricans can run in families. Occasionally, medication may be responsible.

HOW DO I FIX acanthosis nigricans?

Acanthosis nigricans is hard to treat, but you can definitely get it better. It often takes weeks to months to see improvement (take BEFORE AND AFTER photos). The most important step is to improve your insulin resistance, which is primarily done by eating healthier. The best way to eat to improve insulin resistance and diabetes and to reverse some diabetes-related symptoms is to switch as many meals as you can to whole-food, plant-based options.


  1. Apply a very thin layer of each of these to your acanthosis:

  2. Cover this with a thick layer of Vaseline or CeraVe cream.


  1. Apply a very thin layer of each of these to your acanthosis:

  2. Cover this with a thin layer of Vaseline or CeraVe cream.


  1. Some benefit from daily fish oil supplements (another good option).

  2. Mild chemical peels (or salicylic acid) can help as well. Follow directions on these closely.

WHAT IF MY acanthosis nigricans ISN’T GETTING BETTER?

Usually, the steps above can help most people’s acanthosis nigricans get better. If over-the-counter options are not working, look for a board-certified dermatologist in your area. They can prescribe stronger prescription creams or discuss cosmetic procedures (peels or lasers). If you are in or near Utah, see one of my excellent colleagues at the University of Utah or me virtually with Honeydew.


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